Percurso do Vale da Teixeira

NAME OF INTEREST - “Abrigo” (Shelter) of “Curral da Carvalha das Éguas”

CONCEPT - Cultural Heritage

On reaching the first corral of our walk, “Curral da Carvalha das Éguas one feels the efforts of the climb and also the beauty of the Gerês mountain range. The shelter of the corral is positioned near the large oak. It is a small, simple building that uses part of a granite outcrop as a wall. One can try and imagine the life of the shepherds (“vezeiros”) during the period in which they lived in this corral, staying overnight between the walls of this little shelter, after tending the animals, cooking their food by the fireplace...
Also in this corral there is a small fountain where one can replenish water supplies. The corral is fenced, therefore one should only enter to obtain water. If you do so use the entrance gate and then remember to close it before you leave.