Percurso da Serra Amarela

NAME OF INTEREST - Silha (beehive defence) of "Fundo do Peito da Rocha"

CONCEPT - Cultural Heritage

‘Silhas’ or walls were devices used by rural people to protect their (cork) beehives from the actions of wild animals. The location and form of ‘silhas’ or protective walls, almost always built near springs or running water, in low-lying sheltered spots facing south or east, provide a good example of man’s ability to adapt building techniques to environment, at the same time revealing the skill and knowledge of the beekeepers who owned them. This is a technique used since the Middle Ages. In these hills there are some beautiful examples of these so called ‘silhas do urso’ (walls to protect beehives from bears) that are truly works of art. The Silha do Fundo do Peito da Rocha is much more recent but carries out the same protective function, whether it be against wild animals or whether against cattle that graze in the hills.